Why Lifting Weights Won't Make You ManlyI felt compelled to write this post as I am still hearing so many females say that lifting weights will make someone manly? They avoid...
My Fitness PhilosophyMy fitness philosophy is something that I feel strongly about and something that I encourage others to follow! Here are six things to...
Ketosis - Is it good or bad for you?I've been asked many times my thoughts on Ketosis, whether I think it's good for fat loss, whether I have tried it myself, what it...
Getting in 'The Zone' - How Do I Do It?You have all heard of the 'zone'. We've all been in the zone at one point or another whether it is before a workout, competition or when...
Fitness Question & AnswerI opened a Q&A across my social media channels and am really pleased with some of the questions that I was asked! I love Q&A's as I find...
What Should You Have In Your Gym Bag?What to have in your gym bag is a fab question and of course the answer will be different for everyone. However I have a few must have's...
Waist Training Workouts - Do They Work?I've seen plenty of things claim to take inches of your waist and make you drop lbs of weight overnight. Waist Trainers are supposed to...
Booty Blasting ExercisesIt's the most asked question at the moment; how can I make my bum bigger? The only answer I can give you is, HARD WORK! It's not goi
Transforming Yourself - The StrugglesA lot of you may already know about my transformation from skinny to strong. But I don't open up too much about the struggles that have...
Calorie Restriction - Worth It?I guess the answer to whether calorie restriction is worth it all comes down to how far you take it. In my opinion the word restriction...