VitaCoco - A Coconut Lovers Paradise

I've always been a fan of coconut, from bounty's to body butter! So when VitaCoco sent me a box of stuff to try I could be more excited!
Most clean eaters rave about coconut oil and many use it as a substitute for olive oil and vegetable oil when cooking. But what are the benefits of coconut in our diet and what else, other than coconut oil can we include in our lifestyle?
Coconut, labelled by many as a superfood is good for us. It is a healthy product of nature. The flesh of the coconut is full of vitamin and as a snack is surprisingly filling due to its higher fat content.
Coconut water is a fab alternative to oil and is the juice that is found within the middle of the coconut. It is hydrating and has less sugar than that of a fruit juice. The water from the coconut contains many minerals including sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium and therefore are good for you. It does however contain calories, so like the fleshy part of the coconut; it should be consumed in moderation to keep calorie count down.
I first gave their coconut oil a go, and it was so yummy! I tried it in a stir fry and although you don't need a lot of it, you can just taste the coconut coming through (that's if your coconut mad and can taste it!).
Then I tried their coconut water, I personally preferred the flavoured ones, but some people simply love the pure coconut water! I found these so enjoyable especially mid workout as they are like a treat! It's so refreshing to have a drink that tastes good and is healthy for you and completely natural!
I think I'm going to explore coconut oil more and perhaps use it as a moisturiser and conditioner! If I do I will get a blog post up or a youtube video to show you how I got on!
Make sure next time your at the supermarket you find some VitaCoco! ITS SO GOOD!
In the meantime check out their social media @VitaCocoUK