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5 Tips to Take Care of Your Mental Health in Self-Isolation

In an unprecedented time such as now, where we're all advised to stay at home and practice self-isolation, our mental health is bound to take a toll. This is why taking care of yourself is crucial to ensure that you're okay mentally. The five tips in this guest post below will help you do that: [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]


[endif]1. Don’t obsess over information

While it is necessary to stay informed, too much information can have you thinking negatively, which might lead to anxiety or even panic attacks. So, try following BBC’s advice to limit the time you spend checking the news, especially if the bad kind make you feel negatively. What you can do, in particular, is pick a specific time every day to check the news, and do so daily for 10–20 minutes only. Make sure also that you stick with reliable, trustworthy sources of information, like the NHS, major online publications, and government websites. Just as important, try to lie low from social media, which is, unfortunately, replete with negativism, misinformation, and useless information.

2. Come up with new “micro-lifts”

Counselling psychologist Dr. Lucy Atcheson explains that one of the main problems of self-isolation is missing “micro-lifts” — or the little things you do daily that give you a boost without you even realizing it. These can be the simplest things in life, like saying “Hi!” to your neighbours or getting your favourite coffee from your beloved coffee shop. When you’re stuck at home, though, these micro-lifts don’t happen, and the cumulative effect is pronounced, especially after a week or two. Therefore, you’ll need to create new, stay-at-home micro-lifts. These should be things that generate a sense of achievement, like those listed in my previous ‘How to Make the Most Out of Self-Isolation’ post. They include cleaning the house, reading a book, and starting a fitness regimen.

3. Look after your wellbeing [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]Your wellbeing directly impacts your mental health. For you to watch over both, you’ll need to commit to healthy habits. To wit, you need to eat well-balanced meals, drink enough water, exercise 3–4 times a week, and get adequate sleep daily. These lifestyle changes will ensure your holistic development as a person. As an added bonus, their benefits will last long after these self-isolation days have passed. [endif] 4. Take care of your skin [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]Practicing skin care is way to stay sane. Lifestyle writer Gina Way swears that skin care is a way to stay sane, noting how it was one of the things that helped her get through a divorce. New York-based Dr. Amy Wechser, who owns a double-certification in dermatology and psychiatry, details how skin care regimens have a soothing effect, and can provide a sense of control over one’s body. These, in turn, make skin care a source of solace. To maximize your skincare routine, fashion writer Sheena Dizon recommends a particular order in using various facial products. You can start by applying cleanser, followed by toner and essence. Then, apply eye cream, exfoliating treatment, and moisturizer in that order. [endif]

5. Write your worries away

Often during self-isolation, you'll find yourself worrying about lots of things. In such instances, psychologist Stefanie Sugar suggests writing your worries away. Granted, it can be brutal to write the things you are fearing at the moment. But doing so is actually an effective way to conquer them. As the saying goes, "Face your fears!" So, take stock of these fears and worries, whether they have something to do with your health, the possibility of losing your job, your gradually dwindling finances, or what-not. Once you've written these fears and worries, read them several times a day. in doing so, you'll take away the power these negative thoughts have over you.

Post solely for the use of by Ruby Pearson

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